Painted Poems, Oracle, Uncategorized

Art by Kaye

I’m scared that I’m going to get missed somehow. That I won’t evolve, that I’ll miss a cue and be left behind. I’m scared of not being seen, heard and witnessed by others. I’m so ready for that now. Mother Mary, what can you show me in relation to this?

The only way to love is through the heart-way and trusting that all is given at the right time. You so want to get this right, but it’s not about that. It’s about radical self-care and self-love that keeps you centred in your spiritual and embodied self.

Mother Mary, I open my heart to your love and divine guidance, which I know ultimately comes from me.
What is it I must see?

Honour the land around you.
Honour your Spirit.
Be present to the miracles
Receive them fully.
The presence and embodiment of presence is the access point to your full Divinity here on Earth.
Inwards leads you to outward.

Really? I’m scared that inward leads me to more solitude and not being seen or heard.

We must first truly see and hear ourselves as a spiritual embodiment to have the power to bring this outwards.
Your light shines bright and you must embody all of you. Bring all of yourself home to yourself. Bring all of you home within. Into this embodied presence.

Embodied presence brings all of you home.

This is what you are going to be teaching. That’s why sound, music and dance is such an important element of your ceremonies.

You are listening. You must go the whole way, not skirt or jump over bits.
All of this is important. Every part.
Your joy is paramount to the journey.
Let her in!
Embody your joy, your namesake, Kaye; rejoice, keeper of keys.
This communion is an important part of your practice. It anchors you back to your Higher Self. Joy is contagious. Be that joy and pass it on. Be the ripple of love and joy.

How do I bring in more joy?
Why do I feel so sad?

You feel sad because you’ve cut off from this essential part of you.
This is what you must share with the others. Let us reunite with our joy.

Why have I felt so ashamed of my joy?

Because you have been conditioned to live in a world of suffering and to only hear the stories of suffering. This is the lynch pin of your society.

You have cut yourself off from life itself by doing this.

How do you open up to Joy?

By opening your heart to fully feeling.

Thank you Mother Mary.

Trust in your Divinity, Kaye.


Hydrangeas for Italo

There was a man
He lived across from us
His spirit and smile lifted me up.
He was joy incarnate.
I hardly knew him, but I knew him.
I loved him. He died recently.
When I paint, I overlook his house
And I feel his presence
like a spark of love in our garden
This one is for Italo.
We used to leave him gifts on his doorstep
He used to make us jam.
He was kind.


Is it half past thing?
Or quarter to more?
I’m not sure, if I’m to meet you
This day
or before.

Either way
I’ll see you in my dreams
Outside of time o’clock
where eternity seems

so real and free
where stars speak clearly
and temporality
just ceases.

Painted Poems

Imagine if one blue sky day
the hidden stars came into view
And started raining down on you
As they landed
one by one
They’d kiss your skin
and fill you in
on the magic and potential
that already sits inside
Your very own activation guide
The stars are something bright
hiding behind another light.

Painted Poems

I spilt some magic on the floor
It seeped through the cracks
Of my neighbours front door
The next day she told me
She felt so much better
I didn’t know she was feeling low.


Three of Cups from Light Seers, Modern Witch and Rider Waite respectively

It’s happening! We’re coming together. We’re playing. We’re showing each other the light. We have travelled long and far and been to hell and back. And now we are being shown the heavens and bringing them to earth. Things that have been hidden are coming to the surface. Love is being shared freely. We’re opening up to our unique gifts and talents. We’re beginning to let our bright light shine more and more freely. We’re healing ourselves and each other. We’re using those latent and often hidden talents which are unspeakable in that they make no sense to the logical mind. But they are real and they have power and we are using them. Woo hoo!

We’re showing each other the way. We’re reminding each other of our gifts. We’re sharing them with each other. We’re PLAYING! Yay.


If you receive a sacred Oracle Card reading – or even give one to yourself (this can be a delicious practice which I soooo look forward to when the time is ripe) keep a photo of your cards. I don’t use cards as a prediction tool, but time and time again when I refer back to cards that friends or I pulled for me from a few months back I have so many light bulb moments and see how my wisdom and higher self knew so much more than my conscious mind. I just love joining the dots in that way. It feels like a practice in itself. Sometimes in the moment the card will deeply resonate, and then, when read a few weeks or even months later you’re able to see or hear an even deeper message.

25 Oct 2020 – Past Life Lessons Spread, Angels & Ancestors Kyle Gray