My work is intuitive based and I am guided by wisdom that shows up within Presence. This means that each session will vary – the following are a selection of my current offerings:
One to One | 90 minutes, £120 | Online session via Zoom
A tabletop constellation session will provide you with the opportunity to drop into the energetic field and release energetic blocks or attachments that you have subconsciously held out of loyalty to your family system.
I will guide you through a slow and gently process which can be deeply profound when we are ready and open to receive the ‘movements’ that can release us from bondage that weakens our system.
These sessions can help us to:
- Strengthen life-force energy through freeing inherited loyalties to out-dated beliefs
- Place our loyalty in our own inner knowledge above external opinions and beliefs.
- Provide an embodied sense of belonging
- Trust our internal navigation system
- Transcend out-dated ‘tribal’ beliefs that are no longer relevant to the communities we live in.
- Find compassion for ourselves, our communities and those with different paths.
- Experience fulfillment from the inside out, not dependent upon certain outcomes.
These sessions are a beautiful way to honour our Ancestors, both living and dead and retire previous versions of ourselves and have these Ancestors as a resource for our lives.

One to One | 90 minutes, £120 | Online session via Zoom
I will intuitively prepare a journey for our time together based on what’s alive for you and any specific questions you’d like to explore.
You will be held in a safe and sacred space and able to feel sense and hear the body’s queues whilst I guide you through breath and movement meditations set to music along with voice activation.
Sacred movement is freedom of expression through non-linear, intuitive movement. I will guide you through a movement meditation to music and we’ll use our breath, our voice and our body as our own medicine.
To request an appointment email me at

One to One | 75 minutes, £90 | Online session via Zoom
Energy alchemy with sound, movement and Star Oracle Guidance
To request an appointment email me at

11th, 18th, 25th January 2024 | 2pm to 3.30pm GMT | Online sessions via Zoom
A three week embodied activation portal for all creative (and budding creative) beings. Starting on Thursday 11 January 2024 at 2pm UK time we will have three live group video calls over three consecutive weeks with mini creation experiments between the calls.

Online weekly Circle for Women, £90
If you are called to unearth your deepest wisest self and bring your latent gifts into the world with authenticity, power and conviction, this is for you.
Every Wednesday morning, 8am to 9.30am GMT
6 guided sessions via zoom starting 1st November ‘23
Week One, 1st Nov: Presence in the breath – Release & Cleanse
Week Two, 8th Nov: Safety in the body – Ground and Root
Week Three, 15th Nov: Embodied emotions – Rise & Flow
Week Four, 22nd Nov: Trusting authenticity – Self Expression
Week Five, 29th Nov: Woman in wisdom – Embodying Spirit
Week Six, 6th Dec: Wise in the World – Sacred Balance
More details and to book