Sacred Alignment for Natural Beings

Inward revolution
Spiralling into our centre
Burning brightly
in the dark
Knowing we are seen
Releasing burdens of control and taking on what is not ours.

Honouring boundaries
Living lightly
Breaking rules

Journeying with me

I am a true nature guide. I navigate the polarities within us to find a way to create sacred balance. I work in many different ways – all intuitive and all guided by something deeper than the mind.

I believe that:

  • we have instincts that trump logic
  • we have inner wisdom that is aligned with universal wisdom and can guide us in navigating our lives
  • sacred balance includes all of us, including the shadow and the light
  • rest is part of the equation
  • receiving is an embodied experience – and different to taking or getting
  • reciprocity is not possible if we are only serving (or taking)
  • we do not need to justify, defend or provide reason for our knowing
  • our bodies are regularly giving us cues which when listened to inform us of harmonious choices.
  • abundance in all forms is our birthright
  • we belong, because we are here.

Together we can journey into the multi-dimensions of YOU.

I focus my offerings on Embodied Sacred Alignment through ceremony and constellations.

If your curiosity is piqued I’d love to hear from you.

Kaye Taylor

Kaye Taylor


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