11th, 18th, 25th January 2024 | 2pm to 3.30pm GMT | Online sessions via Zoom
This is for you if you have a longing to create from your pure potential, and bring into form your authentic voice, writing, art, music, business ideas, nature creations and even new ways of being that better honour your spirit.
An embodied activation portal for all creative (and budding creative) beings!
Together we will open up our own channels of expression, authenticity and creative resonance from a place of sacred alignment and integrity. We will acknowledge any resistance, blocks and shame that may arise when we consider ourselves creative and expressive beings and we will experience what it feels like to honour our creative essence and let this pure energy be felt, seen and heard within and through our bodies.
A safe, honouring space for you to experiment with your creativity, to open up and activate your energy centres so that you are a clear channel for your creative source.
Starting on Thursday 11 January at 2pm GMT we will have three live group video calls over three consecutive weeks with mini creation experiments between the calls.

- Our Voice, Body and our breath
- Our infinite creativity
- Our internal navigation system

- The source of creativity
- Sacred alignment
- Integrity of being

- Our channels of expression,
- Our authenticity and
- Our creative resonance
What to expect:
- Getting clear on your Sacred Yes and Sacred No
- The difference between using internal and external reference points when making creative decisions
- Feeling the edges of and expanding your creativity comfort zone
- Taking part in activities that may feel unusual yet are as natural as nature (guided movement meditation, voice activation, writing, doodling and conscious breathing)
- Acts of creation which are shared within the group
Who this is for:
- You would like to experience yourself and your creativity in a new and exciting way or
- You have a creative offering or idea that you’d like to bring to life or
- You’d like to open up your creative channels and find out what’s possible for you
What you will need:
- A private space (we will be making sounds, moving our body and lying down for guided activation meditations)
- A journal
- Blank paper and some pencils or pens.
- £180* investment
- Being present for the one and a half hours live calls each week
- Willing to invest an hour and a half between calls each week for acts of Sacred Creativity
* Concessions available and open to Sacred Reciprocity
To book email me at kayetaylor1@gmail.com
Hello, I’m Kaye and I am the Creative Director of my life! I use embodied practices to clear and activate my energy centres so that I am a channel for my own acts of creation.

I love creating and I love curating and I love putting together my creations and curations to make something that others can enjoy and places them in a position to tune and tap into their infinite source of wisdom and creative essence. I know it’s there and I know that holding sacred portals like these provide a safe space for amazing activations to take place.
Over the years I’ve enjoyed creating businesses, art, technology applications, Sacred Movement Journeys, slippers, paintings, cards, ceremonies, jewellery, poems and probably a whole lot more that I can’t remember!
To book this programme or for more information contact me at kayetaylor1@gmail.com