Resonant Star Activation

Reclaim your soul

Know your stars

Journey home

The Twins

My joy is journeying into the stars and finding dormant gems which are plucked and brought to light, helping you remember who you are, what sparks your joy and making friends with what has been previously unseen or denied.

Sometimes the so called unacceptable aspects of us are precisely what we’re here to show the world. And are actually completely acceptable. When we reclaim our soul, when we reclaim who we are, we are complete and there is nothing that can be unacceptable about wholeness.

This is enlightened astrology. Think of the stars as lights inside you. At certain points in your life these lights get activated. I am a star-light activation guide.

These secret codes which often lie latent inside get activated at certain points in your life. I can help you navigate these times of activation. 

The Stars have given me permission to be me.

For a resonant star activation session I will need to know your location, time (rough time is fine) and date of birth.

Kaye Taylor


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